Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Coming Up With More

I am so unmotivated today it's not even funny.

Today's the first day I've felt like a human being in about two weeks so I'm celebrating being over The Cold From Hell that I was suffering. I feel as though I should be more energetic and happy/productive since I'm no longer sick but no. Instead I want to sit and just go "blah" all day long.

There are only two things keeping me going at the moment:

1. The fact that I don't want to disappoint Laura with absolutely nothing done around the house when she gets home from a stressful day of working on her dissertation.

2. The fact that I'm on a quest with my party over at HabitRPG and if I don't get all my to dos done for the day they'll all get whacked by the creature we're fighting. I'd feel guilty if anything happened to my party because I'm being lazy.

The second reason keeps me doing all the things I should be doing in a day but the first one gets me to go a bit above and beyond. Sure, I could let the living room keep this general messiness to it but the living room is the first room Laura steps into when she comes home; I want homecoming to be a pleasant experience for her.

Sometimes it's really hard to come up with the energy to do more.

What are some tricks that you use? What drives you to keep pushing when you feel like you're on empty?

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