Monday, February 10, 2014

10,000 Hours - Music

A friend of mine loaned me her guitar a few months ago and I had every intention of learning to play. I had books all ready to go, time set aside during the day (Lois' nap time), and I was going to learn.

The first time I tuned the guitar, the high e string snapped.

It's taken me this long to buy a new string because I'm a procrastinator, even when I don't mean to be one.

Now that it's repaired, however, I've been practicing every day for a total of four days.

That's not a lot, but it's a start!

I'm taking it really slowly. Right now I've practiced the G chord and the C chord, switching back and forth between them and having the ability to put my fingers down correctly without looking at them. Whereas with my drawing I jumped in whole-hog and started trying to draw really tough things, I think doing that with the guitar would be a mistake; slow and steady is the key.

That being said, when I'm playing around I do enjoy going to Ultimate-Guitar and playing around with the sheet music that has tabs. Tabs are a way for people who don't know how to read music to easily and quickly learn to play a song on a guitar; the format's very intuitive and it's neat to be able to recognize a tune pretty quickly. Right now I'm most enjoying Dust In the Wind by Kansas. I can't play more than the first bar but it's still fun!

In the mean time, I'll be over here, hitting G, C, G, C, G, C over and over and over again. Maybe I'll get adventurous and throw in a D now and then. Whee!

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