Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Resolutions: Fitness

I always resolve to get fit, jump into it in a big way, do well right up until I don't, and then fail spectacularly. I like everything in that right up until everything after "do well" and I'd like to change that bit. Here's how I plan on doing it:

I'm using HabitRPG as a way of keeping track of my to do lists, my daily chores/activities, and my resolutions. I can tell it what list items are repeated daily, which list items happen on only special days, and what items don't need to be done daily but only need to get done once. I can even set it up so that at a glance I can see the small goals that lead up to finishing a Big Goal.

It's pretty cool.

Tonight I did what I thought would be a good first workout after not doing any kind of working out for a very long time: 25 crunches, 25 wall push ups (yeah, I'm kind of a wuss), and 25 leg lifts. Small, doable, and a way of preparing my body for harder workouts later on. I figured I could up the amount in a couple of weeks, just to ease myself into it.

I learned that I'm very, very out of shape. (I'd use a third "very" there but the use of three "very's" is a major sign of a deranged mind.)

My arms were jelly. My stomach was cramping. My legs were...well, my legs were okay so I guess one out of three ain't not half bad?

I may have to cut them back if I'm going to do them daily. The reason I've failed in the past has a large part to do with just jumping in, not caring if it hurts, and pushing myself to a point where the next day I'm physically incapable of doing it again. Then, after one failure, I give up. Oh, I convince myself I'm not giving up, that I'm just "healing for one more day" but that becomes two days, then a week, then "some day."

My hope is that going slowly and easing my way into it will work because it won't be a major time investment, I won't be hurting myself, and I won't then want to quit due to the pain/mental exhaustion. I've been told this works; now it's time to test it.

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