Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sweet Springs, WV

The walkway to what was Old Sweet Springs resort and spa.

The old bath house.
 Laura and I drove down with the little one to a little place called Sweet Springs, WV. We stopped along the way to see a little restaurant called the Swinging Bridge Restaurant on the way but didn't eat there; I just had to see the bridge inside the restaurant. Check out their website for a good look!

The real reason we went out there was to look at a place known as Old Sweet Springs resort and spa. It's been long-since defunct but the building was used as an old-folks home for many years and now lays completely empty.

Except for the ghosts.*

It's an amazingly gorgeous area. The lawns are still groomed, and one of the houses (that I did not take pictures of) is still lived in, probably by the caretaker. There was talk in 2010 of restoring this place to its former glory but judging by the dusty scaffolding, broken windows, and a few beer cans seen through windows I have a feeling that has fallen through.

Old Sweet Springs resort and spa (and sanitarium, and tuberculosis ward).

One of the old stairways outside.
 Truly, though, the scope of this old resort is amazing. The brick is still holding together fairly well on the facade, though they show some major bowing out at the bottom in the under-tunnels.

The whole area is beautiful and I'd like to go back some time with a picnic lunch, though the "No Trespassing" signs may suggest that I have the lunch somewhere nearby, rather than on the front porch.

One of the houses that used to be rented out at the resort.

The ivy was beautiful.
Locally known as "The Jefferson Building."
*I cannot confirm nor deny the presence of ghosts. All I know is that I kept expecting to see faces peering from the windows in my pictures but have not spotted one yet.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures and memories! Thank you for sharing these. We used to go here to visit my great-grandmother in the early 1970s. Wow! How it's changed! Sad!
